Business Consulting
Uncover real growth levers in strategy and action
Business Planning
We will create a solid business plan for your company. This will be a customized plan with as much detail as you desire. It is advisable to include both a strategic aspect and an action plan aspect.
Marketing Strategy
As Peter Drucker said, "Marketing makes sales supuerfluous". Many business owners stress sales rather than marketing. A solid marketing plan is absolutely essential for your business success.
Projections are at the core of your business case and the outgrowth of your strategy and marketing. Most other plans and operations should be tethered to your projections. We help build a strong set of projections.
Sales Strategy
We will work with you to build an excellent sales strategy. This is where your company products and services meet the customer. A successful interface is essential here.
Sales Training
We will work with your team on a sales system to best engage with your prospects for the best conversion rates. Most sales people do not use a system and therefore fail.
Team Building
We will work with you in understanding your people as individuals and as a team with psychological testing and tools. We will then work with you and the team to build a strong corporate culture.